Jul 22Liked by Matt Whiteley

I’ve watched this happen to the ASMR community as well (there’s a surprising overlap between ASMR, yoga and porn actually) and I wonder if there isn’t something deeper than all three of these things that is causing this distortion (well, porn itself is a distortion). Simply, the attention economy is at play, and it’s infecting every area of media content - particularly made by women - where appearance is valued. Take away this incentive, and I suspect you’d see a retreat to the true fundamental principles of both yoga and ASMR, which are pure.

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Yes, someone told me about ASMR a while ago, I had no idea what it was and from looking at it on YouTube I concluded it's basically semi-erotic content to generate traffic for an inevitable onlyfans link underneath. I guess it's the lowest common denominator rule about what makes money online. I'm sure if these women could make plenty of money just screwing up a wrapper in front of a mic they'd choose that but sex just makes people click like nothing else and if you don't do it you'll be outcompeted by those who will.

That said, I'm not sure there isn't something sexual inherent in the ASMR thing, I'll be honest I don't really get it but it seems to be almost a kind of fetish for mouth sounds etc.

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Jul 23Liked by Matt Whiteley

I can assure you that ASMR is not inherently sexual. I've experienced ASMR my whole life, long before YouTube, and for the most part it was activated by two of the least sexual things one can imagine: old people and telemarketers. The sexualization of ASMR happens for the same reason that everything else is sexualized; sex sells. We are simply witnessing this sales technique in its most hyperactive form, and indeed it is a race to the bottom.

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Jul 22Liked by Matt Whiteley

"a catchphrase for a porn site"

Portrayed on NCIS with Tony DiNozzo nearly catatonic with lust and on The Sopranos with Janice Soprano attracting Richie Aprile with sexy poses. And, if you do an internet search for videos of nude or naked yoga, you get thousands of hits. Yoga certainly has a porn component--even in its original form.

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